Google Ads

Increase sales with Google Ads in Thailand

Google Display Network in Thailand (GDN)

Google advertising is probably the most direct, most effective, of all the channels in which to market your business online
Google Display Network is a collection of websites that show AdWords ads and can help you show your message to more customers. These websites can be specific Google websites like Google Finance, Gmail, Blogger, and YouTube or Google Partner websites. This network also includes mobile sites and apps. From millions of websites, news pages, and blogs to Google websites including Gmail and YouTube, the Display Network can help you show your message to more customers.

Why use Display Network in Thailand?​

Google Display Network is ability to target more users in a variety of ways and attract them to visit our website and order products or services.​​


Cost Effective

Brand Awareness


Highly Targeted

Language Targeting

Increase Website Traffic


Popular Ads Banner Sizes and Positions in GDN

GDN Banner Examples

Google Ads